Albert Pokane Shoapha (born 2002 April 04) is a Mosotho founder of iCare, IOS developer, iPhone sales expert, blogger, and marketing guru. He won best salesman of the year by selling over 100,000 units of iPhones in a year. Not only is an amaizing kid, Albert started microsoldeing company where he actually specialises in repairs of Apple products, he ranks among the best technician in the country, he has done over 5000 thousand repairs in 6 months, HE IS AT 100% CHIP REPAIR LEVEL.

We reached out to Albert to enquire exactly what set him apart from the rest of the stores, technicians and sellers in the country,’ HE explained that he much more has interest in fixing than replacing unlike other stores and apple its self, he added to it again of how much data recovery is important in daily lives of which he has successfully been able to do with water damaged devices.

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